Oportunitate de parteneriat din Bulgaria, in cadrul programului „Europa pentru cetateni”

Municipalitatea Kameno din Bulgaria caută parteneri pentru a crea o rețea de localități interesate de păstrarea meseriilor și muzicilor tradiționale.
Posibilii parteneri interesaţi de cooperare sunt rugaţi să contacteze direct persoana indicată, în timp util.
Radovesta Stewart radadeva@yahoo.com
The development of folk instruments is an old and important craft without the preservation of which the musical traditions is impossible in any region or country. However, is there anyone, who would continue the work of the masters of bagpipes and rebecs and how this tradition can be fostered? With every day it becomes more and more difficult to find people, who are willing to study folkloric performing arts, which directly affects the masters of traditional music instruments such as the luthiers and their craft. Attracting new generations and getting them interested in traditional instruments can be achieved through the promotion of their sound in online platforms from the type „Try and Share”.
Punctul Europa pentru cetățeni
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