Oportunitate de parteneriat din Lituania, in cadrul Programului „Europa pentru cetateni”

Smart Vision, din Vilnius (Lituania), caută parteneri pentru un proiect care să fie depus la Măsura 2.3. Proiecte ale societății civile a programului Europa pentru cetățeni (la termenul limită din 1 martie). Scopul acestui proiect este de a pune în aplicare programul de integrare a imigranților prin înțelegerea cauzelor profunde ale ostilității față de imigranți. Aplicantul este deschis la primirea de idei pentru îmbunătățirea proiectului.
Posibilii parteneri interesaţi de cooperare sunt rugaţi să contacteze direct persoana indicată.
Public Institution “Smart Vision”
Name of the contact person: Migle Paskeviciute
Email: migle.p@smart-vision.lt
Short description of the project, including its aims
Immigration is one of the most highly stressed out topics these days. Nevertheless, while dealing with the global problems (refugees from Syria and other southern countries), it is very important not to forget the specific challenges that each country faces. It should be noted that majority of immigrants to Baltic States come from Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus. In Lithuania in 2014 the immigration increased by 2 thousand as compared to 2013 and made up 24,3 thousand immigrants (European Migration Network, 2014). Understanding, what problems do Eastern Europeans face while migrating to Western Europe is very important, yet unreasonably forgotten topic.
The goal of this project is to implement the integration programme by understanding the root causes of hostility towards immigrants. In order to do so, it is crucial to identify how an immigrant is defined in Lithuania and partnering countries and by what narratives a word ‘local (Lithuanian, for instance)’ is described. Interactive interviews with citizens and polls (by using theatrical methods and gamification) will we used to understand, whether the main problem is stigmatization (cultural repulse) or social integration (fight for jobs, language barriers, etc.). Based on the results of the interviews and polls, a programme (seminars, debates, campaigns, etc.) that is specifically tailored to the root causes of the immigrant integration will be implemented.
The aim of this project is to make a ‘soft’ influence on the migration policy and to encourage changes in people’s mindset. The findings and results of the interviews and polls that reflect the public opinion will be shared with the governmental institutions and politicians that represent the society in the EU and UN.
website-ul programului: www.europapentrucetateni.eu