Oportunitate parteneriat din Slovenia, in cadrul programului „Europa pentru cetateni”

Ivan Cankar Institute of Culture, Sports and Tourism din Vrhnika (Slovenia) caută parteneri pentru a depune un proiect la Măsura 2.2 Rețele de orașe, pentru termenul limită din 1 septembrie. Acest proiect intitulat ”The path of Argonauts” va reuni organizații din Slovenia, Croația, Serbia, România, Grecia, Italia, Albania și Muntenegru.
Contact: http://www.zavod-cankar.si
+386 41 916 195
Cei interesati sunt rugati sa contacteze organizatia slovena pana cel tarziu 31 iulie 2015.
Descrierea proiectului (lb. engleza):
The project »The path of Argonauts« based on the legend of the Argonauts and includes countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Italia, Albania and Montenegro) where they sailed ship Argo. Within the project will be organized:
-Three Round tables, with various discussions about the future of the EU, how to deal with the economic crisis, poverty, discrimination, violence, xenophobia exchange of ideas and good practices …
How organizations in the social sector in EU resolved the problem of poverty and unemployment? How can EU help? Which Institutions and the EU can help and advice nationals and their family?
-Summer Camp for children -Free activities for children whose parents cannot afford vacations
Example of good practice Municipality of Vrhnika- exchange of ideas and possibilities to cooperate with partners
-educational seminars for young and unemployed
The importance of ICT in EU. How to find information on jobs and learing oportunities throought Europe and information about studying in Europe
The possibilities for e-working , e-learning – examples of good practices.
– Festival of culture of each country (music, dances, customs, habits, clothing, cuisine, language etc
– study visit to Romania, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro (to see tourist and cultural attractions and explore the possibility of interconnection). In each country will be organized a round table to exchange opinions and possibilities of joint cooperation in the field of tourism and culture.